Why Commission A Commercial Property Survey?

Many of our commercial clients in Bristol and Somerset (including Bridgwater, Taunton Bath and Yeovil) instruct Corporate Building Consultancy to undertake a commercial property survey because they understand that in the long run it will save them money!
One of the most important issues to consider when acquiring a leasehold interest in a commercial property is dilapidations. Understanding the physical condition of a property is important from an operational point of view. Understanding the liability for repairs and maintenance however is critical from a financial point of view. This element of a property survey is often overlooked. Many tenants are therefore caught out at the end of the lease when the landlord makes a claim against them for dilapidations.
Our surveys detail the physical condition of a premises but also advise on the immediate dilapidation liability. This means that prospective tenants can negotiate good terms before they sign a lease. In many cases this can save them tens of thousands of pounds at the end of the lease.
If you are considering entering into a new lease and would like some advice contact one of our Chartered Surveyors - Mark Brothwell DipSurv FRICS on 01934 710 789 or mark@corporatebuildingconsultancy.com. Mark will be happy to give you some initial free consultation advice.
Posted by Mark on September 12th 2016