One of The Largest CIF Funding Awards in the Country

CBC Education are proud to announce that one of their long standing clients have been awarded 2.4 million pounds to build a new science block.
CBC Education prepared the funding bid which was submitted to the Education Funding Agency [EFA] under their Condition Improvement Fund [CIF]
The funding award is one of the largest in the country and we are now looking forward to Project Managing the job through to completion.
The project involves a new 13 lab science block which will be built on the school site. CBC Education undertook the feasibility study for the project. We successfully applied for planning permission and prepared the Employers Requirements and Tender Documents. Our bid for funding to the EFA was successful and we will now Project Manage the contract through to completion.
There are several reasons why our funding application for this project was successful. The detailed, comprehensive and robust feasibility study was definitely a significant factor. The fact that we had already obtained Outline Planning permission for the scheme however also helped. Finally the project cost was well within the EFA’s target cost per square meter.
CBC Education have a high success rate of achieving funding for academies. If you would like to discuss your project, please contact Mark Brothwell on 01934 710 789 or
Posted by Mark on August 25th 2016