Managing Property and Multi Academy Trusts

Many Academies are thinking of becoming Multi Academy Trusts [MATs]. One aspect of the process which is often forgotten is the impact of managing a larger property portfolio. In the commercial world mergers, or take-overs, normally involve an accurate assessment of the property portfolio. CBC Education believe that this discipline is also relevant for Academies…….
CBC Education specialise in designing and managing educational buildings and spaces. Our unique blend of both design and management means that we inspect buildings with a wealth of insight. We not only assess the condition of buildings but also how a facility operates and what the impact of the change may be.
We have developed a unique MATs survey which is designed to offer academies an overview of the property they are acquiring. Where condition issues are identified we also assist academies with obtaining funding for capital works. We have an enviable record of success in this regard and have assisted many academies with obtaining funding for their large scale capital works.
Publications such as Governance in Multi Academy Trusts published by the National College For Teaching and Leadership offer a wide range of guidance. There is very little guidance however on property matters. As Chartered Building Surveyors specialising in surveying and architectural design we can advise academies on these important property matters.
If you would like an informal chat about your plans contact Mark Brothwell on 01934 710 789 or
Posted by Mark on February 13th 2015