EFA Detailed Advice for New Condition Improvement Fund

The EFA have published their detailed information for applicants to the new Condition Improvement Fund 2015-16.
The detailed advice is more comprehensive than for earlier funds in previous years. CBC Education believe that this is a positive step as it will assist us with preparing successful bids for our clients.
As in previous years academies are able to submit two bids to the new Condition Improvement Fund. Bids can either address the condition or expansion of academies. The majority of funding however is expected to be allocated to improve condition.
The size of the fund has yet to be published. The EFA however have announced that they expect bids to be heavily oversubscribed. If academies are to be successful in obtaining funding it is essential that the guidance provided by the EFA is followed. CBC Education’s experience and track record in this respect will be invaluable and many of our clients have already instructed us to assist them.
For larger projects the EFA have stated that there is no longer a requirement for completion to be in March 2016. This is welcome news and something that CBC Education have been calling for for a long time. Most projects however are expected to be completed within the financial year - ending in March 2016.
When it comes to the condition of a school the EFA guidance places a lot of emphasis on independent expert advice. Obtaining quotations from contractors will be helpful. The first stage for any successful bid however is likely to be an independent assessment of the condition of the building. This is critical if a strong case is to be made. Making a case for ‘project need’ will account for 40% of available points under the EFA’s weighted assessment criteria. The inaccuracies in the recently issued Property Data Surveys may also need to be addressed by independent experts.
As Chartered Building Surveyors CBC Education are looking forward to assisting their clients with this process. If you would like to discuss how we may also be able to assist your academy please contact Mark Brothwell on 01934 710 789 or mark@corporatebuildingconsultancy.com
Posted by Mark on November 7th 2014