Corporate Building Consultancy Secures Another New Instruction

We are pleased to announce that Corporate Building Consultancy have been appointed by a Multi Academy Trust to undertake their Condition Improvement Bids for 2019-20.
Our new client chose Corporate Building Consultancy ahead of other consultants because of our track record and expertise in this area. In the feedback we received they said that it was our honesty and clear advice which attracted them to us.
We have been appointed to look at four schools, each of which may apply for two bids each. We have already started gathering the critical information that the ESFA will require for all eight bids. Last year we secured several million pounds of funding for our existing clients. These projects are currently on site and will be completed soon. We hope to achieve the same success for our new client!
If you need any assistance with the preparation or management of your project please contact Mark Brothwell on 01934 710 789 or
Posted by Mark on August 8th 2018